Mar 20 , 2019
3 Benefits of Using Little Toes™ Diapers
It is calculated that your child goes through more than 6,000 diapers during the first three years of their life.
If a diaper is always tagging along with your tot, you want to make sure it is supreme.
During these first three years, your baby has been constantly on your mind. You want to make sure she is happy, comfortable, and safe. You put plugs on all the power outlets in the house, make organic baby mush from scratch, and research the best toys to improve brain development.
With the well-being of your babe constantly put first, why wouldn’t you also choose the best diaper?
Low quality diapers can cause rashes, reactions and infections. They can fall apart, leak everywhere, and become unreliable. With the safety of your baby’s bottom on the line, you’ll want a diaper with major benefits.
Little Toes™ diapers are superior for many reasons— let’s start with three:
1 They are hypoallergenic.
This means that your baby is safe from having any allergic reactions caused by traditional diapers. A child’s fresh, delicate skin will be protected because Little Toes are woven with smooth, organic bamboo fibers— free of chemicals, chlorine, parabens, and fragrances.
Once you test these diapers, you’ll notice how comfortable your sweetie pie becomes and wish we would make a bamboo-laced onesie too!
2 These diapers are biodegradable.
Did you know it takes 500 years for regular, even popular, diapers to biodegrade? That really adds up, especially when you take into account the times you’ve had to change a diaper twice in one minute due to a “blow-out!”
Little Toes diapers are outstandingly environmentally-friendly; they only take 180 days to become a part of the earth.
3 Little Toes are highly absorbent.
These diapers have a snug fit to keep up with your angel. They are also 60% more absorbent than cotton diapers, keeping your baby dryer longer. Other brands can't compete with Little Toes' "Swimmy" diapers and their mess-containment features either!
After a few months of sleeping, eating, and pooping the days away, your baby is going to do a great deal of rolling, crawling, walking, running, and swimming. You don’t have time to deal with any more leaks or over-filled diapers at the pace your babe is growing.
With Little Toes you don’t have to think twice.
Enjoy more time with your baby and don’t stress about something so seemingly small, yet highly crucial, as a diaper.