May 14 , 2019
Baby Shower Gift Guide
So, you’ve been invited to another baby shower.
Once again, you’re not sure what to get! You could turn to the baby registry that’s listed on the invitation, or you could get a gift the parent-to-be hasn’t thought of yet— something thoughtful and unique.
Our list of baby shower gifts will make any parent or baby happy you thought outside of the box (or let us do the thinking for you).
First up:
Little Toes™ Diapers
If you have children, young family members, or have ever babysat, you know that the diaper changing never ends. As newborns, babies go through more diapers than they do when they're even a few months older. You could fill a whole room of newborn diapers just after a few months!
So, why choose Little Toes diapers over all the rest? With all those diapers, Little Toes diapers biodegrade in 180 days (compared to 500 years from other diapers). They are made from super soft bamboo fibers that are gentle on the skin, gentle to the environment, and crazy absorbent.
Given as a gift, these all-natural diapers tell the receiver that you care about the safety and comfort of their little one.
Ah. Nothing better than a gift that will last: the gift of knowledge and of quality time. Countless hours will be spent during childhood simply reading.
Baby will enjoy small, durable “touch n feel” books, and classic hard-cover books when they first discover how to use their hands. Reading with baby will improve language and communication skills and help them understand the world around them. It also helps parents and babies bond through story time.
Bath Tub
With all that eating, pooping, and drooling, every baby needs a fresh start with a warm bath. This is a gift that parent-to-be may not have thought of but would be so excited to receive.
This ergonomic baby tub sits perfectly inside a bathtub or kitchen sink and fits baby from newborn to toddler! It has a sling for baby to lay in until they are strong enough to sit up on their own. It makes bath time so simple and relaxing for parent and baby.
Little Toes™ Sun+Swim Collection
If your gift is intended for someone with the summer months ahead of them, you’ll want to add this to your gift bag. The Poop Happens Swimmy Style Diaper Changing Set includes natural swim diapers, sunscreen, changing pads, baby wipes and hand wipes.
Having these items organic and natural keeps baby’s skin healthy and safe from toxins and the harmful rays of the sun! This collection makes a day at the pool or the beach oh, so easy and fun!
Gift for Mom or Dad
Baby has been relaxing in the womb this whole time, while their parent has been working hard!
Get the parent to be something simple, like chocolate or snacks for the hospital. You could go bigger with a massage gift card or contribute to a staycation “babymoon” with some friends. You could also get something in between such as a warm, fluffy blanket that will be used constantly for the next few months of newborn cuddles!