Jul 16 , 2021
Music enhances your baby's senses here’s why
Like adults, babies love rhythms, songs, and music. And similar to adults, music has several benefits for children. Scientists have discovered, music has an effect on babies far more significant than one would have imagined. Recent studies have shown that music affects, emotional, intellectual, and even physical development of babies and children. It strengthens their cognitive and sensory development.
From birth, babies learn to tune into their parents' voices, much longer before they understand any actual words. One can argue that these conversations are more like patterns of rhythms and sounds that convey emotional meaning at this stage.
So how does music enhance your baby's senses?
- Stabilizes the bond
Playing or listening to music with your baby is an easy way to strengthen your relationship with him/her. Research suggests that moving to music with someone releases a hormone called oxytocin, known as the 'bonding' hormone produced during nursing.
It is natural to lean towards classical music or lullabies for babies, but truth be told, almost all music is baby-friendly. Dr. Trainor says, "If you play music that you enjoy, you'll have more fun listening and singing along with your baby." Her studies have discovered that babies who move musically to songs smile more and are much easier to soothe. They are also more willing to explore the environment than babies who simply sit and listen.
- Creativity
Music pushes children to think and explore their ideas. They move around in their brain, jumping from one inkling to another. A study conducted in Hungary revealed that children who were 3-4 years of age that were given music and singing lessons obtained higher grades in creativity. The grades were much higher as opposed to children who did not receive any musical training at all.
- Memory
Music helps one sharpen their memory. A three-month-old baby can use music to help them remember whatever they have learned. Scientists today believe that music acts as a catalyst to the learning process and allows a child to remember whatever he/she has learned.
It is also possible that your little one may speak up sooner. Studies show that babies who engage in making music, moving to music, are more communicative. They use gestures like pretending a banana is a telephone or hugging a doll to show affection. The more expressive a baby is, the more likely he/she is to acquire language skills.
Research claims that setting words to music enables the brain to learn them faster. And as we know, our brain is a muscle. The more we train it to remember or memorize things, the sharper it gets.
Music is very important for adults and children. We often downplay the effects music has on babies but as we the world progresses, more and more studies prove how vital it is for child development.
Author's Bio:
Dr. Sharon Fried Buchalter Ph.D., is a distinguished clinical psychologist, life coach, and public speaker who has worked as a Marriage and Family Therapist and clinical social worker. She received the highest accreditation as a board-certified diplomate-fellow in advanced child and adolescent psychology. She has spent her lifetime educating, enlightening and empowering parents and children of all ages.
She has developed revolutionary tools to help couples, parents, and families achieve happiness and success. Her first book Children Are People Too, provides eight essential steps designed to strengthen families and empower parents to be their own child's life coach and mentor. Her second book New Parents Are People Too, provides relationship advice for couples entering parenthood for the first time.
She is also the founder and owner of Products On The Go and Little Toes.